Frameset Invokes the Frameset Editor which allows you to create frame pages. A frame page is a page which displays several web pages on one single window. Using the Frameset Editor you specify what pages and where on the window they will display. Font Invokes the Font Editor which allows you to add the font tag which specifies the color and size of specific text. MailTo Invokes the MailTo Editor which allows you to create a link that can be used to send email to a specific email address. List Invokes the List Editor which allows you to create lists of data for your pages (sometimes resembling a table of contents list). Horizontal Line Invokes the Horizontal Line Editor which allows you to quickly add the appropriate HTML tags for adding horizontal lines to your document. Head Invokes the Head Editor which allows you to define a title and other attributes of your document. Graphic Invokes the Graphic Editor which allows you to add in-line images to your pages. Glossary Invokes the Glossary Editor which allows you to format text similar to a glossary entry. Forms Invokes the Forms Editor which allows you to easily create forms containing items such as buttons, text fields and pop-up menus within your document. Note: In most cases forms work in conjunction with CGI programs to transfer information. Body Invokes the Body Editor which allows you to easily add and edit colors and backgrounds. Anchor Point Invokes the Anchor Point Editor which allows you to define points within your document as anchors. An anchor can be thought of as a link to a specific location within a document. Anchor Link Invokes the Anchor Link Editor which allows you to link to anchors (link points within documents) in the current or other documents. Simple Table Invokes the Simple Table Editor which helps you design HTML tags for tables of items in your document. Link Invokes the Link Editor which helps you design HTML tags for links to resources, such as other HTML documents, web servers, gopher servers, etc. Tags Menu This menu has a list of available HTML tags.